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UPSC- Mains Exam Books

UPSC- Mains Exam Books

Here is a list of Books for Mains UPSC Examinations, but our sincere request is, not to buy all the Books please take the advantage of the free resources available at this site, and if necessary to buy the book read the reviews of the book before opting to buy.

Mains Examination has 7 papers which are of ranking type

Total Marks 7 Papers Each 250*7=1750 (Ranking Type)
The merit of the candidate is decided only by the ranking papers and the candidate need to qualify the non ranking papers, candidate need to obtain minimum qualifying as prescribed by UPSC, 2015 it went less than 50% of total marks, the final score is determined after considering the marks of interview which is for 275 marks
So order of merit list will be decided by the total marks of mains and interview test (marks obtained from mains) + (marks obtains in interview) i.e. for total marks for 2025 marks (1750+275)

UPSC Exam Mains Topics in Brief

UPSC Mains Topics in Brief
Mains Subjects
Essay (Paper-1)
Word limit: 3000 words Click Here to download previous 10 year essay topics
GS-I (Paper 2)
(General Studies I,  Paper -2) India heritage and culture, history and geography of the world and Indian society, Indian Heritage and Culture
GS-II (Paper 3)
(General Studies-II, Paper–3) Governance, constitution, polity, social justice and international relations)
GS-III (Paper 4)
(General Studies-III, Paper-4) Technology, economic development, bio diversity, environment, security and disaster management)
GS-IV (Paper 5)
(General Studies-IV, Paper- 5) Ethics integrity and aptitude
(Paper 6 and Paper 7)
Optional Subjects: Click Here for more details on Optional Subjects

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For Complete Details Refer Syllabus of Latest Notification Click Here

UPSC Exam- Mains Books (All Mains Books)

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For Complete Syllabus of UPSC Examination

For all Books of UPSC (Civil’s Service Examination)

UPSC Year Calendar

Above are the selected books which are indicated here, care has been taken to select worthy books and star review books, We request you please verify the nature and quality aspects of the books before you take any decision. If you’re the genuine reader of the books and have already experience with any of the books, please review and give your comments over the books that are listed, for more suggestions and information please write to us. We are always happy to help you

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