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CET (Common Entrance Test) Exam Books

About CET (Common Entrance Test) Exam Books

The Government of Maharashtra has established State Common Entrance Test Cell as per Section 10 of the Maharashtra Unaided private Professional Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions and Fees) Act, 2015
No of tests will be conducted for entry into different Post Graduate Programmes (2019-20) Technical, Medical, and Higher Education and Under-Graduate-program-(2019-20) Technical/Agriculture/Fishery/Fine Art/Higher Education. For more details like Eligibility Criteria, Exam Fee, Selection Process Read More/Click Here

CET Exam Books

CET Previous/Model and Exam Books

IMU-CET Exam Full Package

Maharashtra CET-MBA 2019 with Solved Papers & Mock Papers

MH-CET (MBA/ MMS) Entrance Guide (must for NMAT & SNAP)

MH-CET (MBA/ MMS) Entrance Guide (must for NMAT & SNAP) 2nd Edition

Target MH-CET 2018 (MBA / MMS) 2018 - Past (2007 - 2017) + 6 Mock Tests

Maharashtra MBA-CET Complete Book

For more Books and Purchase Online Click Here

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